The California Gold Country: Highway 49 Revisited by Elliot H. Koeppel (ISBN#0-938121-12-X) may be purchased direct from
the publisher, by sending a check or money order (payable to Malakoff & Co.) to:
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weeks for delivery. Autographed upon request.
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Additionally, the book may also be purchased at book stores, gift shops, and many of the museums located throughout the Gold
Country, on and about Hwy 49. Nationally, it is available by order from Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton, Bookstar, Crown Books,, and many other fine bookstores.
School Librarians and Teachers: If this book is something you feel your school library or class should have, a special discount of
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Realtors, Bed & Breakfast owners, Historical Societies: Keep this book in mind for your clients, guests, and members as
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The California Gold Country: Highway 49 Revisited is a combination History/Travel Guide/Coffee Table/ Picture Book devoted
entirely to the old mining camps of the California Gold Rush; their founding, early-day settlers, and legendary gold discoveries. It is a
235-page, over-sized, softcover book which retails for $19.95.
The introduction describes James Marshall's discovery of gold, Gold, Gold! on the South Fork of the American River back on
January 24, 1848. We learn how the news spread (such a discovery could never be kept secret), first across the nation, and then
around the world. The result of that news? The California Gold Rush, one of the greatest mass-migrations the world has ever seen.
Next follows the main portion of the book, which details the history of California's Gold Rush mining camps, specifically, those which
have survived the years and still contain historic sites for travelers to visit today. Old buildings, foundations, stone walls, mining
evidence & artifacts, monuments, gravesites, markers....anything of interest from the days of old, from the days of gold. Because these are the things which give the old mining towns their
romance and charm, their attraction and lure. These are the things which can
transport us, even if only for a moment's imagination, back in time to the days of forty-nine, when anyone could strike it rich.
To help visitors find these golden links to the past, some 266 up-to-date, full-color photographs of the old buildings, relics, and mining
sites are provided, along with directions on how to find them. Also included are 65 historic images from the 1800's, courtesy of local
museums and historical societies, which provide us with an interesting window to times long past.
Other sections of the book include: Brief biographies of famous Gold Rush citizenry; a hand-drawn map/checklist sketching the route
of Hwy 49 and locations of the mining camps; a bibliography of sources used; and a complete index for readers searching for
information on specific towns, individuals, or enterprises.
Now in its second printing, The California Gold Country: Highway 49 Revisited is the culmination of ten years of effort, which
included countless trips throughout the Gold Country, interviews with local citizens and historians, several hundred rolls of film,
writing, editing, reviewing by local experts, re-writing, raising funds, and finally self-publishing the book. And whether you're a traveler
searching for a guidebook, a student or teacher in need of a reference book, or simply someone looking for a way to bring back
memories of time spent in the Gold Country, this is the book for you.

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