The California Gold Country: Highway 49 Revisited
(Note: The book is out of print and temporarily unavailable.)
A combination History/Travel Guide/Coffee Table/ Picture Book devoted entirely to the old mining camps of
the California Gold Rush; their founding, early-day settlers, and legendary gold discoveries.
Columbia: On the Gold Dust Trail
A comprehensive history concerning the discovery of gold, the founding of Columbia, the early-day miners,
settlers and merchants. Current photos and historic images, a wonderful history of the Gem of the Southern
Sutter Creek: On the Gold Dust Trail
An informative look at one of the nicest towns in the Mother Lode. This book details the early days of Sutter
Creek, its famous mines and citizens. Current photos and vintage images detail the many historic buildings to
be found in town.
Mariposa: On the Gold Dust Trail
The third book in the popular “On the Gold Dust Trail” series examines one of the premier gold camps of the
Southern Mines, Mariposa. The book focuses on the founding and history of the town, its early miners and settlers,
and the remaining historic structures left for travelers to visit today. Historic images as well as current photos and a
town map. Sixty-two pages of information on Mariposa, the Gateway to Yosemite.
California Cards
A collection of historical Gold Rush illustrations, recreated as a series of modern day postcards. The series
consists of 20 different black and white images printed on standard size postcard stock, and are ready to be
written and mailed, or kept as a souvenir of the California Gold Rush.
Cheap Literature, Stationery &c., &c., &c.
A changing selection of interesting books and paper items I’ve run across, all with a Gold Rush theme. Available for sale at reasonable rates of exchange.
Gold Rush Bookstore
In association with Amazon.com, a wide variety of historical and informative books for those
with an interest in the Gold Rush and things of the West.