Gold Rush Bookstore
Greetings, salutations, and welcome to Malakoff’ & Co.’s Gold Rush Bookstore.
Here you will find books relating to the California Gold Rush and all that implies; books describing the various routes to
California, what the argonauts found when they arrived and what happened to them while they were “in the
mines.” In addition to these historical works, Gold Country travel guides and fictional pieces are also offered
about these pages.
We’ve sorted our books into several different categories in an effort to be somewhat organized. If you see this flashing spot
next to a title in our listing, click on it for more information regarding that book.
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Gold Rush History TOP
After the Gold Rush: Society in Grass Valley and Nevada City,
California, 1849-1870 by Ralph Mann
Along the Gold Rush Trail
by Gail Wilson Kenna
Art of the Gold Rush
by Janice Tolhurst Driesbach
The Bandit Joaquin; An Orphaned Mexican's Search for the California Gold Rush
by Don Gwaltney
Blacks in Gold Rush California
by Rudolph M. Lapp, Richard M. Lapp
The Buckeye Rovers in the Gold Rush : An Edition of Two Diaries
by H. Lee Scamehorn (Editor), Edwin P. Banks,
Jamie Lytle-Webb (Editor)
The California Gold Rush
by May McNeer
The California Gold Rush : A Guide to the California Gold Rush
by Eugene R. Hart
The California Gold Rush (Cornerstones of Freedom)
by Richard Conrad Stein
The California Gold Rush Trail (Pathways of America)/#GA1502
by Lynda Hatch, Kathryn R. Marlin (Illustrator)
The California Gold Rush (World History Series)
by Tom Ito
California Gold Rush: Search for Treasure
by Catherine E. Chambers
The California Gold Rush in American History
by Linda Jacobs Altman
California Indians and the Gold Rush
by Clifford E. Trafzer
Contested Eden : California Before the Gold Rush (California History
Sesquicentennial Series)
by Ramon A. Gutierrez (Editor), Richard J. Orsi (Editor)
Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the American Nation
by Malcolm J. Rohrbough
Days of Gold: Songs of the California Gold Rush
by Karen W. Arlen, Margaret Batt, Mary Ann Benson, Nancie N. Kester
Digger: The Tragic Fate of the California Indians from the Missions to
the Gold Rush
by Jerry Stanley
Fiddletown: From Gold Rush to Rediscovery
by Elaine Zorbas
Gold: Being the Marvellous History of General John Augustus Sutter
by Nina Rootes (Translator), Blaise Bendrars
Gold: The Saga of the Empire Mine, 1850-1956 by F.W., Jr McQuiston, Charles Steinfeld (Editor)
The Gold Seekers: Gold, Ghosts, and Legends from Carolina to California
by Nancy Roberts
The Golden Dream: California from Gold Rush to Statehood
by Kerry Drager (Photographer), Charles Fracchia (Contributor)
The Gold Rush of 1849: Staking a Claim in California (Spotlight on American History)
by Arthur Blake, Pamela Dailey
A Golden State : Mining and Economic Development in Gold Rush California (California History Sesquicentennial Series, 2)
by James J. Rawls (Editor), Richard J. Orsi
(Editor), Marlene Smith-Baranzini
Life During the Gold Rush (The Way People Live)
by Victoria Sherrow
Prophets and Paupers: Religion in the California Gold Rush 1848-1869
by Harland E. Hogue
Roaring Camp : The Social World of the California Gold Rush
by Susan Lee Johnson
Rush for Riches : Gold Fever and the Making of California
by J. S. Holliday
Ships of the California Gold Rush
by Martin P. Riegel
Silver & Gold: Cased Images of the California Gold Rush
Drew Heath Johnson (Ed)
Same as above, but Paper Back
Story of the California Gold Rush Coloring Book
by Peter Copeland
Striking It Rich: The Story of the California Gold Rush
by Stephen Krensky, Anna Divito (Illustrator)
Tarnished Gold: Prejudice During the California Gold Rush
by Winifred Storrs Hill
They Saw the Elephant: Women in the California Gold Rush
by Joann Levy
To California by Sea: A Maritime History of the California Gold Rush
by James P. Delgado
To the Golden Shore: America Goes to California-1849
by Peter Browning (Editor)
Volunteer Forty-Niners: Tennesseans and the California Gold Rush
by Walter T. Durham
Women's Voices from the Mother Lode : Tales from the California Gold
by Susan G. Butruille, Kathleen Petersen (Illustrator), Kathleen B. Peterson (Illustrator)
Woodleaf Legacy : The Story of a California Gold Rush Town
by Rosemarie Mossinger, Jean Chapman (Editor)
The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience
by J.S. Holliday
A World Transformed : Firsthand Accounts of California Before the Gold Rush
by Joshua Paddison (Editor)
First Hand Accounts TOP
The Adventures of a Young Swiss in California : The Gold Rush Account of
Theophile De Rutte by Theophile De Rutte
Anisett Lundberg: California, 1851 (American Diaries, No 3) by Kathleen Duey
Apron Full of Gold: The Letters of Mary Jane Megquier from San Francisco 1849-1856 by Polly Welts Kaufman (Editor)
Bacon & Beans from a Gold Pan by George Hoeper as told by Jesse Coffey
Bright Gem of the Western Seas: California, 1846-1852: Early Recollections of the Mines, Tulare Plains, Life in California: A Report of the Tulare by Horatio Derby, James H. Carson
The Buckeye Rovers in the Gold Rush: An Edition of Two Diaries Edited by H. Lee Scamehorn, Edwin P. Banks, and Jamie Lytle-Webb
California Gold Rush : Diary of Charles H. Harvey February 12-November
12, 1852 by Charles H. Harvey
Death Valley in ’49 by William L. Manly
A Doctor's Gold Rush Journey to California by Israel Shipman Pelton Lord, Necia Dixon Lies
(Editor), Necia D. Liles (Editor)
The Experiences of a Forty-Niner in California (The Far Western Frontier) by Charles D. Ferguson, Frederick T. Wallace
'Exterminate Them' : Written Accounts of the Murder, Rape and Enslavement of Native Americans During the California Gold Rush, 1848-1868 by Clifford E. Trafzer (Editor), Joel R. Hyer (Editor)
Frontier Lady Recollections of the Gold Rush and Early California by Sarah Royce
The Gold Discovery Journal of Azariah Smith by Azariah Smith, David L. Bigler
Gold Rush: Letters from Doctor James Delevan from California to the
Adrian Michigan Expositer 1850-1856 by James Delevan
How Many Miles from St. Jo: The Log of Sterling B.F. Clark, a Forty-Niner by Sterling B.F. Clark
Journal of the Adventures of a Party of California Gold Seekers by Margaret A. Frink
A Journey to California in 1849 by William C. Smith
Nuggets from Forty-Nine: An Account of Pike County Men in the Gold Rush by Owen Hannant
Overland to California With the Pioneer Line: The Gold Rush Diary of
Bernard J. Reid Mary McDougall Gordon (Ed)
Shirley Letters by Louise Clappe
Thirty Years Ago : 1849-1879: Gold Rush Memories of a Daguerreotype Artist by George D. Dornin, Peter Palmquist (Editor)
A Year of Mud and Gold : San Francisco in Letters and Diaries, 1849-1850 by William Benemann (Editor)
Biography TOP
Bret Harte: Prince and Pauper by Axel Nissen
Travel Guides TOP
The Best of the Gold Country: A Complete, Witty and Remarkably Useful Guide to California's
Sierra Foothills and Historic Sacramento.
by Betty Woo Martin, Don Martin
California Gold Country in a Nutshell
by Leslie & Ben
California’s Gold Rush Country: A Guide to the Best of the Mother Lode
by Barbara Braasch
Complete Gold Country Guidebook
by Baljeet Sangwan
Early Mining Days - California Gold Country: The Story Behind the
by Stanley W. Paher
Golden Hills of California, vol. II
by Allan Masri
Historic Inns of California's Gold Country Cookbook and Guide
by Joyce C. Mandeville
Historic Sites of the California Mother Lode
by Gil Richards
Inns & Wineries of California's Gold Country Cookbook & Guide
by Susen E. Foster
The Mother Lode : A Celebration of California's Gold Country
by Charles Moore
Northern California Gold Country : The Yuba Feather & Bear Rivers
by Marjorie B. Giles, David N. Giles (Illustrator)
The Pelican Guide to Sacramento and the Gold Country
by Faren Bachelis
Travelers Guide to Pioneer Jewish Cemeteries of the California Gold Rush
by Susan Morris
Fiction TOP
The Ballad of Lucy Whipple by Karen Cushman
Bret Harte's Gold Rush: Outcasts of Poker Flat, the Luck of Roaring Camp,
Tennessee's Partner, & Other Favorites by Bret Harte
By the Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleischman, Eric Von Schmidt (Illustrator)
Carrie's Gold (American Dreams)by Cheryl Zach
Daughter of Joy: A Novel of Gold Rush San Francisco by JoAnn Levy
Virginia City TOP
Editor on the Comstock Lode by Wells Drury
Gold Diggers and Silver Miners: Prostitution and Social Life on the Comstock Lode by Marion S. Goldman
A Kid on the Comstock: Reminiscences of a Virginia City Childhood by John Taylor Waldorf
Mark Twain: His Life in Virginia City, Nevada by George, III Williams
Mark Twain in Virginia City by Paul Fatout
Red Shirts and Leather Helmets: Volunteer Fire Fighting on the Comstock Lode by Steve Frady
The Redlight Ladies of Virginia City, Nevada by George, III Williams
Silver Hillside: the Life and Times of Virginia City by Barbara Richnak
The Donner Party TOP
Across the Plains in the Donner Party by Virginia Reed Murphy, James Reed, Karen Zeinert (Editor), Patricia Reed Murphy
Across the Plains in the Donner Party: 1846-1847 by Virginia R. Murphy
The Donner Party (poetry) by George Keithley
History of the Donner Party: A Tragedy of the Sierra by George H. Hinkle (Editor), Charles F. McGlashan
Ordeal by Hunger: The Story of the Donner Party by George R. Stewart
Patty Reed’s Doll: The Story of the Donner Party by Rachel K. Laurgaard
Snowbound: The Tragic Story of the Donner Party by David Lavender
Survival: A Novel of the Donner Partyby K.C. McKenna
Unfortunate Emigrants: Narratives of the Donner Party by Kristin Johnson (Editor)
Winter of Entrapment: A New Look at the Donner Party by Jo King