Mariposa County Jail
The Mariposa County Jail stands in granite silence on a small knoll
above Bullion Street,
looming over the town below. With its massive, twenty-four inch thick
block walls and tiny,
iron-barred windows, it presents a bleak and foreboding appearance,
reminding us of what it was
like to be incarcerated back in the “old days.” Hospitality was
definitely not a concern.
This stone edifice is the second jail to have
served Mariposa
County since the early 1850’s.
The first jail was constructed in 1852 of logs cut
from an area known
as “Logtown,” located
behind the present public and fraternal
cemeteries. Located near the
creek behind the Trabucco
Warehouse, the first jail was burned in the fire
of 1858 which consumed
most of the south end of
town. Its replacement was built that same year, at
a cost to the county
of $14,770. Built by J.
O. Lovejoy, this thirty-three by twenty-six foot
structure was
constructed of dressed granite
blocks quarried and hauled in from Mormon Bar, two
miles south of
Mariposa. The granite intrusion
from which these blocks were cut forms the
southern barrier of the
Mother Lode. As originally
constructed, the jail had two stories and a
gallows at the east end of
the yard. Many bad men,
very bad men, were held here over the years and
several successful
escapes occurred, usually by
overpowering the guards. Thomas Truit, the
prisoner, may have been
responsible for setting the
jail on fire in an unsuccessful escape attempt in
1892. The fire gutted
the building and took the
life of its only inmate. When the jail was
rebuilt, a gable roof
replaced the original flat roof
over the second floor. Excess granite blocks from
the rebuilding were
stored and eventually moved
to the county fairgrounds in the early 1950’s,
where they were used in
constructing retaining
walls. The old jail, while still looking capable
of confining even the
most heinous desperados,
hasn’t held a prisoner since it was condemned in
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