Mariposa Museums

Mariposa County Museum & History Center
Located at 12th & Jessie, in downtown Mariposa.
Phone 209/966-2924
The Mariposa County History Center offers an excellent museum for visitors interested in learning more about the early history of Mariposa County; its native Americans, the Spanish and Mexican explorers, and of course, the Gold Rush pioneers. Located in the restored home of County Treasurer George Counts, the first room of the museum presents the interior of the old (1854-1958) Gagliardo Store which was transplanted in its entirety from Hornitos. Other displays include mock ups of typical mining day establishments complete with the items used in those businesses. Outside are located a stamp mill, mule-powered arrastra, early-day log wagons and other interesting exhibits. The original Mariposa Gazette newspaper building is also located on the museum grounds and is being restored.

California State Mining & Mineral Museum
Located on the Mariposa County Fairgrounds, on Hwy 49 just south of town.
Phone 209/742-7625
Exhibits include the fabulous collection of gems, minerals and rocks assembled by the California State Department of Conservation, an authentic replica of a gold mining tunnel, a reproduction of a mining assay office and a working model of a stamp mill.