The Ghirardelli & Co. Ruins
The Ghirardelli & Co. Ruins are among the most interesting remnants left from the early days
throughout the Gold Country. Once consisting of several rooms and levels, this large, sprawling
ruin was originally built in 1855 of dressed schist and adobe walls. After selling his trading
post on the Stanislaus River, Domenico Ghirardelli trekked to Hornitos in response to the wild
tales of rich strikes which had been circulating about the country. Hoping to cash in on some of
that gold for himself, Ghirardelli planned to open a general supply store to serve the miners’
needs. After three years of successful operation, Ghirardelli sold his business and moved to San
Francisco to devote his full attention to the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company he had previously
established. After his departure, a brick upper story was added to the building and the Odd
Fellows Lodge was then located on the second floor. The lower floor was then used for an
amusement hall and saloon.
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